Sunday, January 31, 2010

How to Prune Tomatoes

I have one tomato plant that I bought as a small plant. It is a Mortgage Lifter which is is an indeterminant. It is very bushy my mum told me that I will need to prune it to get a good harvest.

I found the following page that explains what I need to do.

or this video is very good

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Planting for 2010

I am trying to learn from a few of the things I have seen in 2009. Much of the problems I had with 2009 was too many pests. I also had problems training my vertical plants up sticks. To get over this I am trying to use the plants together better. I have just planted corn and beans together in a bunch of beds.

I have also planted marigolds and chamomile and strawflowers to encourage more predator insects. I have also planted basil with the tomatos.